
Thursday 8 July 2021

Dragon writing

Hi everyone,
Today I am posting and talking about ym dragon writing.
It has been a while since my last post as I have been busy and havent done well with keeping up my blogging.
At the start of this term we learnt about the 6 different sentence types. 
- Noun W
- Some others 
- Are all examples of 
- P+P S+A
- 2A 
These are all the sentence types. 
We had to use these sentence types in a piece of writing. At first we got given a dragon to write about and we had to use the information we got from the description of them and use it in a piece of writing whilst also using the 6 sentence types. After we finished that pice of writing we got to create a story about our own dragon.
I named my dragon Karl and he is very friendly.
If you want to know more about him then read my story.

My Dragon Karl

Karl is a kind, powerful dragon: he is the only one of his species left as far as we know. Karl has been spotted by explorers a few times and hasn’t got along with the visitors, the reason being the explorers (poachers) tried to kill him for his skin.


Karl has a black, orange and red body. He has a chubby body, and small wings he can fly with, just not for very long. Karl has powerful hind legs which makes him very speedy. He has a morning star shaped tail which is very sharp, and is used in battle. 


Karl lives in the African Plains during the Summer and then flies to New Zealand for the Winter and hides out in little Hornby, because the weather is just the right temperature for him.

Usually you will find Karl up in trees, in underground huts, or at Hornby McDonalds on thursday. Karl is an omnivore - small creatures, birds, rabbits, fruit, tree leaves and Maccas - are all examples of his balanced diet.

Amazing facts

Some dragons are skilled in flying; others are good at climbing and running, dragons like Karl. He can shoot flaming hot lava from his mouth and can set the ground a flame with each step he takes. His bite is stronger than any other dragons; he can chew through bone and metal.

Dragonologists believe to stay away from Karl unless you know or are friendly to him, otherwise beware.